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“HR is my best Frenemy!” said Legal (Really?) 7 Tips to Reconcile HR and Legal

“HR is my best Frenemy!” said Legal (Really?) 7 Tips to Reconcile HR and Legal

In the business world, there's a myth that the Human Resources department and the Legal department have relationships that are more than complex. Would you agree? Some would say they are “Frenemies”. The two departments are equally essential to the smooth functioning of an organization, yet they are often caricatured as having completely different cultures, working methods, and concerns.

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“May the force be with you,” or how relying on your strengths can turbo charge your career!

“May the force be with you,” or how relying on your strengths can turbo charge your career!

Let's talk about the power of the Force - our strengths! It's always the first thing I work on with each new mentee. (Maybe that’s my Jedi Master syndrome?) Before we delve deeper, let’s distinguish between two types of leadership - 21st-century leadership and 20th-century leadership.

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10 tips (and more) for presenting to the C-Suite!

10 tips (and more) for presenting to the C-Suite!

Presenting to the C-Suite is perhaps one of the most perilous exercises in the professional life of an in-house lawyer, mainly because it is a rare occurrence, we lack experience, and if we were being completely honest, it's rather intimidating!

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Successfully onboarding a new employee in your legal team

Successfully onboarding a new employee in your legal team

"You only get one chance to make a good first impression," and that goes for both the candidate and the company. Welcoming new employees is always a key moment for companies. After all, great hires make great companies. And great legal hires make great legal teams.

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5 questions to communicate your leadership style for legal team success

5 questions to communicate your leadership style for legal team success

It may seem obvious, but when you take on a new position or start working with a new team, the first thing you have to do is introduce yourself. I know, “duh” right?

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Identifying your strengths to boost your legal career

Identifying your strengths to boost your legal career

Let’s talk about the power of the Force! What do I mean by this? Our strengths, of course! This is the first thing I work on with each new mentee (I like to think of myself as a bit of a Jedi Master)

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Managing negative attitudes for legal team success

Managing negative attitudes for legal team success

We meet all kinds of people at work and in life - extremely positive people (thank goodness!) But also some negative people who are capable of bringing down entire teams.

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Pass these 5 levels to become a successful legal team

Pass these 5 levels to become a successful legal team

“How do you build a successful legal department?” - a question I hear on a regular basis. There are several key factors when it comes to building a high-performing legal team. One key factor is team dynamics!

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Legal Spotlight: Pierre Landy, Executive Mentor

Legal Spotlight: Pierre Landy, Executive Mentor

What skills are important to thrive in today's in-house legal environment? As the tech industry continues to boom and business moves faster than ever, legal teams now need more than just legal expertise.

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The 6 alternative fee arrangements in-house counsel need to know

The 6 alternative fee arrangements in-house counsel need to know

Having been on both sides of the fence - as General Counsel for large companies like Disney, Yahoo and Ledger, as well as Outside Counsel - I have learned a lot of things and among them, how to (re)negotiate your legal fees! 

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Almost there…

Almost there…

Oh 2020, what a year you’ve been… as we look forward to the long awaited festive season, we send all our thanks and love, to all those who have kept us safe in these strange times, thank you, thank you, thank you! …& as we end the year with huge hopes for the future, we give massive thanks to the incredible efforts of the collaborative scientific community (and of course good auld Dolly Parton, we ‘will alway love you’ Dolly!) for their awe-inspiring innovations, producing not one, but multiple vaccines… wow, wow, wow! Such a wild, surreal year it’s been, we hope you & yours have a truly wonderful time over the holiday season, and look forward to being back, in good company, with you all, real, real soon.

Some Good News…

Some Good News…

Some good news in these strange, uncertain times… today is our fifth birthday! - small victories and all that, we're absolutely delighted & incredibly proud to be celebrating, albeit virtually, such a great milestone. A truly turbulent year for everyone, we remain profoundly grateful to all family, friends, colleagues & partners, to all that have supported us throughout the AndCo adventure, we look forward to being in your good company soon. Until then… stay safe, stay strong, & we’ll get there, together.

Avocat Extraordinaire!

Avocat Extraordinaire!

Whilst we, as a global community, continue to navigate the surreal circumstances we find ourselves in, we would like to take a moment for some positive news from the AndCo family… we’re absolutely delighted to welcome our always amazing, avocat extraordinaire, Maître Landy, back to the bar! Truly wonderful news, we’re sending love and congrats to the man himself, as we look forward to celebrating together, in good company, very soon.

Stay the course.

Stay the course.

It feels so long, but has been so very brief… all of us, all together, a little over two months ago, planning for a future which never came to pass. Now, as we find ourselves working together, to stay apart, staying the course to stay safe, our minds wander to fond memories, and look forward to time together, in good company, soon. So very soon.

Stay safe…

Stay safe…

Working together, to stay apart... in these strange, uncertain times, as we navigate the surreal circumstances we find ourselves in, we would like to take a moment, to give love & thanks to all the heroes, on the front line, protecting and caring for all of us, in this unprecedented time of need. To all the doctors, nurses, healthcare staff, to those working tirelessly to keep essential services, supply chains and utilities operating, the hauliers and delivery services, the retailers, the shelf stockers, the checkout staff, to the police and army forces keeping us safe, to all those innovative educators, teaching our children from screens around the world, to the journalists and media outlets helping to inform and educate our people, and to the many, many more, we are, and always will be, profoundly grateful. Stay safe, stay strong, all our love, from all at AndCo.

February 29th!

February 29th!

So, today’s a free day, an extra few hours to live a little more, intriguing… the whole idea of a leap day has our minds wandering, wondering, if you could do anything, anything at all, for 24 hours, what would you do? Sitting on a beach in the Maldives, from sunrise to sunset, no wifi, no calls, just endless Piña coladas, seems like a good start to us! …well, whatever you decide to do with your free day, make sure you enjoy it, in good company!

Yahoo! ...Monsieur Landy

Yahoo! ...Monsieur Landy

An impressive milestone… today marks Pierre’s 20th anniversary in new tech, joining Yahoo, from his beloved Disney, on this day back in 1999… to put the timeline into perspective, it’s the same year Mark Zuckerberg started High School! An incredibly fast paced industry, intense pressure, requiring constant innovation, Pierre’s enthusiasm and energy always live up to the challenge! Continually pushing boundaries, over the last twenty years, we look forward the next twenty, in good company, with the man himself!

Wishing you & yours…

Wishing you & yours…

It’s the most, wonderful time, of the year… as this decade draws to a close, we want to give massive thanks to all our families, friends, colleagues, clients & partners, around the globe, for keeping us in such good company! We hope you & yours have a truly wonderful time over the festive season, and look forward to seeing you soon, in twenty twenty, enjoy…

Around the world.

Around the world.

A truly wonderful adventure, Margot’s back home, safe & sound in beautiful Paris… having travelled across thirteen different countries, meeting thousands of people, visiting the breathtaking wonders of the world, cultures and communities, learning, understanding, and furthering her experiences… it’s now time for some home comforts, & of course, back to her studies! Mixed with emotions, Margot’s sad to be finished her travels, but excited to catch up with family and friends, telling stories of her trip, her most amazing experiences, in good company. 



Today, on Alfred Nobel’s anniversary, we celebrate a select group of truly exceptional men and women from around the world with the awarding of the Nobel Prize, in recognition of their achievements towards academic, cultural, & scientific advances, or as the man himself said ‘for the greatest benefit of humankind’. Each year, the Nobel Laureates come together, in good company, in Stockholm, to meet with the Swedish King receiving their individual awards, with one exception… ironically, the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded separately, in Oslo, Norway, as back when in 1905, when Alfred Nobel envisioned the awards, Norway and Sweden were united. Just some random trivia for a Tuesday…



Gobble, Gobble, gobble... to all our American friends & family, we hope you and yours have a truly wonderful Thanksgiving, a time for kindness, gratitude, and most importantly, good company! Enjoy…

Colca Canyon.

Colca Canyon.

As the adventure draws to a close, Margot’s making the very most of her last few weeks, taking every opportunity to explore more of the worlds wonders… this time, delving into the second deepest canyon in the world, the Colca Canyon in southern Peru. Trekking the site with two friends, camping out at the base, in an oasis, we can think of no better place to ponder her recent travels around the world, experiencing other cultures and communities, learning, understanding, and furthering her appreciation, in good company… 

It’s our birthday, yay!...

It’s our birthday, yay!...

Wow, wow, wow, how time flies, & what a truly wonderful journey it’s been… today, we’re incredibly proud to be celebrating our fourth birthday! We’re profoundly grateful to all family, friends, colleagues & partners, to everyone that has supported us, in good company, throughout the AndCo adventure, of which there is some much more to come… AndCo Four-Ever!

Show us some love…

Show us some love…

So today is #LoveYourLawyerDay, seriously, it's a real thing, it really is...  we swear… pardon the pun! Founded & promoted by the American Lawyers Public Image Association & the American Bar Association, the day celebrates all those involved in the legal profession, asking those who want to show their appreciation to do so, however they wish, & in return, the lawyers of the world will share the love by performing an hour of pro bono work, or by donating the equivalent of one billable hour to charity. Wonderful stuff, we adore the idea… so go on, show some love, in good company, of course!

The Middle of Nowhere…

The Middle of Nowhere…

Taking some time to reflect on the wild & wonderful Around the World adventure, Margot met with her friend from Paris, to trek through the Sajama National Park on the border of Chile. A truly unique experience, isolated from the world, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by lagunas, geysers, mountains, & the Sajama volcano… just two friends, in good company, camping out under the stars, like true nomads. We’re soooo jealous!

Snail Mail!

Snail Mail!

That’s right… we’re posting, about post, to celebrate World Post Day! Good old Snail Mail, in all its glory… pen to paper, the lick of a stamp, the excitement & wonder, who’s it from?, what’s it for?… pen pals and secret admirers, it’s all very nostalgic and romantic, or perhaps that’s just us! Replaced by so many ‘bings’ and ‘pings’, a bit of nostalgia on a Wednesday isn’t such a bad thing now is it…? We’d like to say enjoy the celebrations, but lets face it, this is probably the first you’ve heard of it! …but it’s a big thing, seriously! …a great day, celebrating postal systems around the world, keeping us all, in good company, for many generations past, and many more to come.

Free & Connected.

Free & Connected.

Today we mark Software Freedom Day, an annual, worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), with the aim to empower all people to connect, create and share in a digital world with transparency, and sustainability. No small challenge, the good folks at the Digital Freedom Foundation work tirelessly to realise this noble vision. With many events taking place around the world, increasing awareness of Free Software, its virtues, and encouraging its use. Today, we thank all those involved, for helping keep the digital world free, connected, & in good company. 

Machu Picchu.

Machu Picchu.

The great adventure continues... with Margot making her way to Machu Picchu, the Lost City of the Incas. As one of the new Seven Wonders of the World, the breathtakingly beautiful Incan citadel of Machu Picchu is a true archeological treasure… built without the use of mortar, metal tools, or the wheel, this World Heritage Site is an engineering marvel! Incredibly, many mysteries of Machu Picchu and the Inca Empire remain, centuries of secrets, hidden for the ages, awaiting discovery… until then, Margot and the many adventurers, making the trek each and every year, can savour the spectacular sights, and that stunning sunrise, in good company.

wwwe’re getting old…

wwwe’re getting old…

Today we celebrate #InternautDay, the 'birth of the internet', and the profound, innovative genius of Sir Tim Berners-Lee, and his team at Cern. On this day, back in 1991, they opened the web to the world, forever changing it... creating connections, keeping the world, in good company! 

Beautiful Bolivia.

Beautiful Bolivia.

Mirror, mirror, on the floor… allowing us to see so much more! As the great adventure continues, Margot’s made her way to the truly remarkable Salar de Uyuni, the world's largest salt flat, located in southwest Bolivia. Regarded as one of the most breathtakingly beautiful places on earth, the feeling of infinity & reflection is exceptional due to the uniquely flat surface through the entire vista, a playground for photographic perspectives, take super snaps, making magical memories, and living the dream, in good company, of course!

& now to Peru…

& now to Peru…

The great adventure continues... to South America. Following five amazing months in Asia, Margot's moving on, to the other side of the ocean! First stop, Peru, woohoo! After taking a few days in Lima, to rest up & adjust to the whooping thirteen hours time difference, it's on to the middle of dessert... the Huacachina’a Oasis in Southern Peru. With a permanent population of around 100 people, it might be in the middle of the nowhere, but our Margot's still, in good company...!

La La Landy…

La La Landy…

One month on, and we're only now starting to recover! What a party, what a showman, what a wonderful experience, what else would you expect... Monsieur Landy does it again, with a musicals and musical movies theme, the La La Landy extravaganza was simply wow, wow, wow! Fifty & Fabulous, celebrating in absolute style, in good company, of course!

July 4th…

July 4th…

The home of the brave, the land of the free... to all our American amigos, we hope you, & yours, have a truly wonderful time celebrating independence, solidarity, courage and equality... in good company, of course! 

Stonewall Fifty.

Stonewall Fifty.

The riot that changed the world. Today we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. We reflect on five revolutionary days, & the brave souls that stood up to oppression, in the face of profound aggression. Through their exceptional courage, the Pride movement was born... a community of proud LGBTQIA+ people, continuing the fight for freedom, for all, to live their truth, in good company. 

Margot’s in Myanmar…

Margot’s in Myanmar…

Simply breathtaking, the Bagan sunrise is a truly exceptional sight to savour! As the sun slowly illuminates 2000 temples, the picturesque sky fills with an array of multicoloured hot air balloons... wow, wow, wow, our jealously continues! As the saying goes, 'with every sunrise a new beginning, with every day a wonder' ...and we're wondering why we didn't go with her!!! To make sure our Margot's in good company, of course.



To our fellow thalassophiles… don't worry, we'll wait while you google it... today we celebrate World Oceans Day, an opportunity to remind everyone of the major role our oceans have in everyday life, a day of celebration and collaboration for a better future. Together, in good company, we can help further this vital movement, uniting the world, with a shared vision to protect & conserve our world’s shared oceans. #BeatPlasticPollution

And Now to Nepal…

And Now to Nepal…

The great adventure continues! Following an intensive two week trek across the Annapurna Range, exploring the breathtaking surroundings, amazing cultures and incredibly friendly communities... staying in tradition mountain villages each night, keeping herself, in good company... we got a big, happy, 'Hi!, from up high' from our Margot, as she reached Thorong La, the highest pass in the world, at a whooping 5416m above sea level! Incredible stuff Margot, bravo!

One Year On…

One Year On…

Happy Spam-iversary... it’s been one whole year since the introduction of GDPR, one of the largest legal leaps for data protection in the digital age, & it’s just the start! Protecting people’s personal data is paramount to building trust, integrity and ensuring business longevity, as well as growth. With significant fines being enforced already, make the smart choice folks… be a good company, & of course, stay in good company!

Temple Time.

Temple Time.

The adventure continues… taking time to explore the breathtakingly beautiful Angkor temples in Cambodia, as Lonely Planet puts it, Margot has landed in 'heaven on earth'. Angkor is the earthly representation of Mt Meru, the Mt Olympus of the Hindu faith and the abode of ancient gods, the temples are the perfect fusion of creative ambition and spiritual devotion. As Margot say's, the '8th Wonder of the World', a truly wonderful experience, trekking through the 38 degree heat, absolutely melting... in good company!

Happy Star Wars Day!

Happy Star Wars Day!

Over forty years of the force... a cultural and creative revolution, a universe for generations to enjoy, & now, the passing of a legend. Today we celebrate Star Wars Day, whilst we mourn for the great Peter Mayhew, aka Chewbacca. Rest well our Wookie hero.

World Intellectual Property Day

World Intellectual Property Day

It is said that ‘imitation is the sincerest form of flattery’, to imitate is to pay a genuine compliment… & to that we say, nope, nope, nope! Intellectual Property is such an increasingly pertinent aspect of today’s modern world, it’s vital we foster an environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish. As such, today we celebrate World Intellectual Property Day, with this year’s campaign ‘Reach for Gold’ taking a closer look inside the world of sports. The drive to test our abilities, the thrill of competition, and the awe we experience in watching ordinary people achieving extraordinary feats… in good company, of course.

Cambodia Cool.

Cambodia Cool.

As the saying goes... let the sea, set you free! ...& wow, oh wow, we couldn't be more jealous!!! As the adventure continues, Margot's landed in Cambodia, stopping off at Koh Rong Sanloem, to be precise. A small island to the south, a tranquil paradise without cars, scooters, or even roads, it's all beach baby! Pure relaxation away from the hustle & bustle of the big cities in South East Asia. I think we all need to book a ticket, just to make sure our Margot's in 'good company'... let's get packing. #prettyplease.

Joyeux anniversaire…

Joyeux anniversaire…

Oh boy, oh boy… somebody celebrated a big birthday… joyeux anniversaire à notre ami Pierre! As Walt once said… ‘growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional’, & we can’t think of a more fitting quote for our nifty at fifty, fabulous Frenchman! Enjoy the celebrations monsieur, in good company, of course!

Three Caves…

Three Caves…

The adventure continues… travelling across Vietnam, with beautiful landscapes, rice fields, rivers, magical mountains & spectacular sunsets, Margot has taken some time out in the northern village of Tam Coc. A truly picturesque, peaceful, atmospheric delight, the river landscape & rice paddies merge seamlessly, with traditional sampans making their way back & forth, rowed with feet.. seriously! …through the gorgeous greenery, under the watchful eye of many a mountain goat, perched high on the surrounding cliffs… in good company indeed!

Hidden Gems.

Hidden Gems.

Making her way across China, the amazing adventure continues... trekking along the Li River, which is featured on every 20 yuan note, through the vast selection of breathtaking locations, throughout this wonderful nation, Margot takes some time to reflect on this incredible experience… relaxing on a bamboo boat, looking across the river, she’s certainly embracing her surroundings! We’re sooo very jealous! …onwards next to Vietnam, for more adventure, meeting more cultures and communities, keeping Margot in good company throughout her travels.

Exploring China…

Exploring China…

The great adventure reaches the Great Wall... making her way from Mongolia, Margot’s wonderful journey continues throughout China, exploring the breathtaking surroundings, amazing cultures and incredibly friendly communities... our Margot is in very good company indeed, sure just look at those smiles! …wonderful stuff Margot, we’re sooooo very, very jealous!



& she’s off… with Margot’s first stop, in magical Mongolia, ‘AndCo, Around the World’ has officially begun! Making us all sooooo very, very jealous, Margot’s off to a flying start on her wonderful adventure. Keen to explore other cultures and communities, Margot has made the trek to the Mongolian steps with a nomadic family from Terelj National Park, learning, understanding, and furthering her experiences, in good company… 

Who’s this…?

Who’s this…?

So today is International Data Privacy Day… originally started in Europe in 2007, and led by The National Cyber Security Alliance, this global online safety, security and privacy campaign is set as an opportunity to raise awareness, and to promote, the value of personal information by informing businesses about the critical need to respect consumer privacy and safeguard data… something we’re all increasingly aware of these days, as we connect, communicate and collaborate, in good company!

AndCo, Around the World…

AndCo, Around the World…

A new initiative for a new year... as part of the AndCo adventure, we wanted to give back, to help others find, and follow, their passion. As such, today we are delighted to launch ‘AndCo, Around the World’, and quite literally launch the wonderful Margot Rabiller on the adventure of a lifetime! As student from Paris, Margot yearned to travel the world, to explore other cultures and communities, to learn, to understand, and to further her experiences, in good company… with the sponsorship of AndCo, travelling to fifteen countries over the next eight months, Margot will have the opportunity to do just that! - & of course, will keep us updated on her travels… stay tuned! & bon voyage Margot.

Tis the Season…

Tis the Season…

From all of us, to all of you... our clients, colleagues, partners, family and friends, around the globe... to everyone we have had the pleasure of meeting on this wonderful adventure, we wish you & yours, truly wonderful holidays & all the very, very best for the New Year! Enjoy the jolly season, in good company, of course!

Turning Three…

Turning Three…

Well, well, well... how time flies when you’re having fun, so fast in fact that you miss your own birthday! Ooops, well a belated happy birthday to us! We’re incredibly grateful & extremely proud of how far we have come over the last three years, & are exceptionally thankful to all clients, colleagues, partners, family and friends - everyone who has supported us, in good company, throughout the AndCo adventure, of which there is much, much more to come...

More horses…?

More horses…?

Today marks the 110th anniversary of Henry Ford's Model T, ‘the’ car that brought movement to the masses, opening travel to all due to Ford’s vision and ingenious use of the assembly line, which increased productivity, thus reducing cost. Simple, brilliant, world changing… opening all roads, in good company.



O’zapft is! - & we’re off… the most wonderful time of year, for a Bavarian beer… or a barrel! Throw on your dirndl, or your lederhosen, & let’s get festive, in a tent, in good company, of course!

International Day of Democracy

International Day of Democracy

So today is the International Day of Democracy… set as an opportunity to tackle the changes faced by, and to invigorate the core principles of, democracy. All of which seems incredibly pertinent in today’s wild world… bringing us all together, to work in good company, for the betterment of everyone.

The AndCo Hound…

The AndCo Hound…

My-oh-my, look how Mushka’s grown... sooooo cute, today we’re showing some extra affection (like we need an excuse) for our ‘fun-on-four-legs’ mascot… well it is National Dog Day after all! So make sure you have a few more cuddles for your canines, you know they deserve it! & enjoy #NationalDogDay, in good company! Woof!

Ironically, in it’s 18th Year…

Ironically, in it’s 18th Year…

Today we commemorate International Youth Day, a day of awareness, focusing on various issues surrounding youth culture. This year we encourage the youth of today, as the leaders of tomorrow, to come together, to celebrate, and to innovate, the role of ‘Safe Spaces for Youth’. Working together, in good company... because you’re never too young to change the world.

July 4th…

July 4th…

Today, a great nation celebrates... independence, solidarity, courage and equality! To all our American amigos, have a truly wonderful 4th of July, in good company, of course.

Happy Spam-aversary!

Happy Spam-aversary!

So, today marks one whole month since the GDPR deadline date, & the epic, oooooh-soooo-frustrating spamming of inboxes across Europe, like a new-age digital equivalent of Fatal Attraction, subject bars everywhere shrieked with desperation… ‘Is this goodbye?’, ‘We don’t want to lose you’, ‘Let’s stay in touch’, ‘Time is running out’, ‘Let’s stay together’… ahhh now lads, take the hint, we only want to stay… in good company!

Meeting Up In Madrid…

Meeting Up In Madrid…

What! - it’s been six months since our last get-together in London... seriously... no way! Well, that can only mean one thing, the team is ‘on tour’ again... This time we’re catching up in the sensational city of Madrid, incredible, awe-inspiring surroundings, to chat about all things AndCo... just us, & seven million other tourists, enjoying the summer, in good company!

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day!

Ever realised that Mom upside down spells Wow... coincidence, we think not. Today we celebrate & thank all the Mothers, around the world, for their love, their strength, compassion, bravery, and of course, their patience. As the saying goes... mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever... thanks Mom!

World Press Freedom Day.

World Press Freedom Day.

Today, on World Press Freedom Day, we celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom, calling on governments to respect and strengthen their commitment to free press, to protect journalists, editors and publishers around the world, to defend the media from attacks on their independence and to pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the exercise of their profession, standing up for our right, to truth. We respect, we remember, in good company. 

International Dance Day.

International Dance Day.

The art of performing... created by the Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute, the main partner for the performing arts of UNESCO, International Dance Day strives to celebrate dance, revel in the universality of this evocative art form, across all political, cultural and ethnic barriers, bringing people together, in good company, through the global language, the language of dance!

World Health Day!

World Health Day!

Who... no, not the awesomely influential 60s rock band... WHO, the World Health Organisation, celebrates World Health Day today, April 7th, marking the organisation’s founding as well as furthering worldwide attention on global health issues. A fantastic initiative, focused on ‘health for all humankind’. Now that’s something we can all support, in good company, of course!

International Day of Happiness

International Day of Happiness

Love, love, love this… led by philanthropist & activist Jayme Illien, backed by all 193 United Nations member states as well as then Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, International Day of Happiness aims to inspire, mobilise, and advance the global happiness movement, creating an inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes the happiness and well-being of all peoples.... how beautiful is that! Soooo much more than a fun celebration, creating a better world, connecting & caring, in good company!

Celebrating the…

Celebrating the…

Today marks the annual International Women’s Day celebrations, a day to recognise strong, independent women the world over, their achievements across all endeavours, as a call to action for gender parity. Here at AndCo we are extremely proud of our Gender Balance, with a current ratio of 2:1 women to men, we work together, in good company, of course!

Be My Valentine…

Be My Valentine…

As they say, ‘all you need is love’... but we also like romance, chocolate, flowers & wine... so go on, be our valentine! Wherever you are, whoever you’re with, live in the moment, in good company, of course.

The Winter Olympics…

The Winter Olympics…

Oh soooo cold... the wonderful Winter Olympics begin today in Pyeongchang, showcasing the worlds best in fantastically freezing sports... truly exhilarating entertainment... to enjoy, in good company, from the comfort of the couch!

The Big Game…

The Big Game…

Will it be the Patriots, or will it be the Eagles... one thing is for sure, it’ll be a breathtaking Super Bowl spectacle! With a record breaking tenth trip out for the Patriots, plus an incredible eighth time for the legendary Mr. Tom Brady, there’s an added edge to this one... we can’t wait to watch the rivalry, in good company, of course!

National Have Fun at Work Day!

National Have Fun at Work Day!

So apparently it’s ‘National Have Fun at Work Day’ today... any excuse for a bit of merriment & general mischief, not that we need an excuse! ...but sure we’ll make a special effort today, for the day that’s in it! So, wherever you work, whatever you do, laugh, smile & enjoy every moment, in good company, of course!

Notre famille française est…

Notre famille française est…

Wonderful news from France... we’re thrilled to announce that the AndCo family is growing yet again! We say a big ‘Bonjour’ to the amazing Amandine & superb Sabine, with extensive experience, expertise, & personality, we‘re absolutely delighted to welcome them, in good company!

Three, two, one…

Three, two, one…

What a truly tremendous year it’s been, massive thanks to everyone for keeping us in such good company, roll on 2018... the AndCo adventure continues! ...but for now, let’s grab a glass of bubbly & celebrate! Yay!

Have your s’elf, a very…

Have your s’elf, a very…

From all of us, to all of you, our family, friends, colleagues, clients & partners, around the globe... everyone we have had the pleasure of meeting along this wonderful adventure… we wish you & yours, a truly wonderful Christmas! Enjoy the merriment, the season of good will, in good company, of course!

The Shortest Day.

The Shortest Day.

So if today is the shortest day of the year, that means tonight is the longest night of the year... it always helps to take a fresh perspective on things! Make more of the night, dream big, under the stars, in good company, of course!

Loving London!

Loving London!

Wow, wow, wow! - what a difference two years makes! It’s absolutely incredible to have everyone, well almost everyone, together in one room... A massive thanks to Liyen for hosting yet another amazing AndCo get-together, a wonderful few days, with friends old and new, in good company, of course! 

Gobble, Gobble!

Gobble, Gobble!

To all our American friends, giving thanks, kindness and gratitude, on this day, enjoy the celebrations, the feast, & the merriment, in good company, of course!

Grease Lighting, So Exciting…

Grease Lighting, So Exciting…

Massive thanks to everyone who joined our recent celebrations in Paris, a truly wonderful night, in good company, of course... because, you’re the one that I want, oooohhhh... & that's the waaaaay it should beeee, wha oooooohhhh, yeah!

Happy Birthday to Us!

Happy Birthday to Us!

Two years strong, what a truly incredible journey it’s been! Extremely proud of the achievements to date, we’re exceptionally grateful to all colleagues, clients, partners, family & friends, to everyone that has supported us, in good company, throughout the AndCo adventure, of which we have only just begun...

Witching you a…

Witching you a…

If you are reading this, then you are completely unaware of what is creeping up behind you... you looked, didn’t you... like we’d make it that easy! Wherever you are this Halloween, expect to be afraid, to be very, very afraid... so make sure you stay, in good company!

Unlucky for some…

Unlucky for some…

Well at least it’s Friday, which is infinitely better than Monday the ‘whatever’! Watch out for those black cats & have a wonderful weekend, in good company, of course!

Wear it well…

Wear it well…

Started by Harvey Ball, the artist who famously created the original ‘smiley face’ in 1963, World Smile Day is a simple but powerful idea, to devote one day each year to acts of kindness, helping the world smile! As the old saying goes... most smiles are started by another, so let’s getting grinning, in good company!

Nintendo turns 128!

Nintendo turns 128!

Happy birthday to Nintendo, the beloved gaming company is an amazing 128yrs old today... unbelievable! Founded in Japan in 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi, Nintendo Koppai originally produced playing cards called Hanafuda before transforming the electronic and video games industry in 1981 with the release of Donkey Kong... thanks to all, for the years of entertainment, in good company!



With the tapping of the first barrel, by the mayor of Munich, today marks the official start of Oktoberfest... music & merriment, bratwurst & beer, sauerkraut & smiles, what's not to love! Enjoy the festivities, in good company, of course.

We stand…

We stand…

Home of the brave, land of the free, today, of all days, our hearts & minds are with our American friends. As always, we stand with you, united in the face of adversity.

Labour Day…

Labour Day…

A special day, since 1894... today we recognise and celebrate the achievements of all workers, their contributions to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of society, thank you all! Enjoy the well deserved rest, & putting the ‘feet up’, in good company...

The family’s…

The family’s…

Some fantastic news from London... we’re absolutely delighted to announce that the AndCo family is growing again! As they say, good things come in threes, & we’ve got three of the best... introducing Mark, Meredith & Hermione, three greats, joining-in, good company!

La Tomatina Festival.

La Tomatina Festival.

I say 'tuh-MAY-toh', you say 'tuh-MAH-toh'...  but did you know, on the last Wednesday of August, in the lovely town of Buñol in Spain, every year, every one, young and old, gathers together to fling tomatoes at each other... that’s one way to ‘paint the town red’, love it! Enjoy the mess, in good company.

26 Years of www…

26 Years of www…

Whilst technically a little older... today we celebrate the 26th birthday of the internet, we are forever grateful to the pioneering genius of Sir Tim Berners-Lee and his team for helping keep the world, in good company... thank you, thank you, thank you, & happy #InternautDay!

Location, location, location…

Location, location, location…

From three air mattresses to the world, on this day, in 2008, was launched, changing the hospitality sector forever ...a big hip, hip, hooray for Airbnb on their eleventh birthday! Thanks for helping the world stay, in good company, on our travels!

Meeting in…

Meeting in…

As a great man once said, “Ich bin ein Berliner”... & we understand why, a truly incredible city, full of wonderful people, we love it! A massive thanks to Helge for hosting another fantastic AndCo get-together, an amazing weekend, in good company, of course!  

International Day of Friendship.

International Day of Friendship.

“On this International Day of Friendship, let us resolve to cherish and cultivate as many warm relationships as possible, enriching our own lives and enhancing the future” - Great words from Ban Ki-moon... sure it’s all very AndCo... we’re all about friendships here, each & every day... but we’ll make a special effort today, in good company, the company of great friends!

Bastille Day…

Bastille Day…

Today we embrace all things French, celebrating Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité... La fête nationale! To all our friends in France, we hope you have a wonderful time, celebrating in style, as you always do... in good company, of course!

Land of the free…

Land of the free…

Celebrating independence, solidarity, courage and equality... the stars & the stripes, the barbecues & the fireworks, the friends & the family, to all our American amigos, have a truly wonderful 4th of July, in good company!

Pedal Power!

Pedal Power!

The Grand Tour... consisting of about 200 fiercely competitive riders, cycling 21 day-long segments, covering in & around 3,500km, in (let’s be honest) some very questionable shorts, travelling at speeds in excess of 50kmph, all on two wheels... just to wear a yellow t-shirt...! Wow, now that’s dedication! ...enjoy the scenery lads, we’ll grab an Uber & see you at the finish line, for the celebrations, in good company, of course!



Making it official earlier today, the German Parliament voted to legalise same-sex marriage throughout the country! A massive thank you to our German friends, enjoy & continue to celebrate love, in all forms, in good company!



Well, well, well, didn’t that year fly by...! Another year of Pride, another festival of celebration, another opportunity to show our solidarity, to fly the rainbow & applaud love in all forms! Wherever you may be, whoever you are with, enjoy life to the full, in good company, of course!

The US Open.

The US Open.

So this week marks the 117th US Open Championship, and whilst we’re not big golfers here in AndCo, we're fascinated by just how seriously people take the game... talking passionately about Eagles and Birdies (the same thing, no?) Pars and Bogeys, Tees and Caddies, Bunkers and Divots... we may need subtitles to enjoy the event, in good company, of course!



We’re absolutely thrilled to introduce Marta, the latest member of the AndCo family! Marta joins AndCo Italy to further our service offering throughout Europe, with oodles of experience, expertise & personality, we’re looking forward to spending more time, in good company, with Marta!

In Conversation with Clarisse…

In Conversation with Clarisse…

Hot off the press... grab yourself a coffee and settle in for some words of wisdom by our very own Monsieur Landy... featured in today’s La Village De Justice, in good company & conversation with Clarisse Andry, a super article, see it here.

Be the change…

Be the change…

Today we honour & celebrate Amnesty International, all those involved in this exceptional organisation, united in the continuous efforts to promote and to inspiring people against injustice, to bring the world closer to human rights & dignity enjoyed by all... we are eternally grateful, thank you.

Our Star Wars Day!

Our Star Wars Day!

Just because ‘May the Fourth’ is soooo over, we thought we’d take ‘May The Sith’ as our Star Wars Day... sure why not! Live long & prosper... no wait, that’s not right... ‘Much to learn, we still have’.

Celebrating Culture & Heritage.

Celebrating Culture & Heritage.

Cinco de Mayo, a fantastic day of celebration and appreciation of the vast wonders of Mexican culture, heritage & spirit... an opportunity to celebrate the contributions that Mexican Americans and all Hispanics have made to America, in good company.

Earth Day.

Earth Day.

A simple idea, a global movement, a chance for change... now in it’s 37th year, Earth Day & the Earth Day Network’s mission is to broaden and diversify the environmental movement worldwide and to mobilize it as the most effective vehicle to build a healthy, sustainable environment, address climate change, and protect the Earth for future generations, so that our children, and our children’s children, can enjoy this world, in good company.

The Happiest Place On Earth…

The Happiest Place On Earth…

Today we are ecstatic to celebrate 25 years of wonderment, excitement, imagination & creativity, all from the most magical place on earth... as well as the birthplace of Pierre’s career, sure where else would Monsieur Landy begin! Disneyland Paris, creating joy for generations, in good company, of course.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Hip, Hip, Hooray for St. Patrick's Day! ...the world goes green, the Shamrocks come out, & the shenanigans begin... wherever you may be, enjoy the celebrations, in good company, of course!



A global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. International Women's Day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity... let’s work together, in good company.

Savoury or sweet, they’re…

Savoury or sweet, they’re…

Yay-hey! For Pancake Tuesday, an excuse to eat pancakes for breakfast, lunch & tea, now that’s a tradition worth ‘savouring’! Enjoy the deliciousness, in flippin’ good company!



Ahhh St. Valentines... a day for love and for romance, for flowers, chocolates & fine wine, for babies shooting arrows, for swiping right (naughty), & for living in the moment... in good company, of course.

Super Bowl Sunday!

Super Bowl Sunday!

Super Bowl Sunday, it’s always a massive occasion... with 49.2 million cases of beer, 8 million lbs of guacamole, 14,500 tons of chips and 1.23 billion chicken wings consumed... leading to 7 million people calling in sick on Monday! & oh yeah, there’s some sort of sports game being played too. Enjoy the rivalry, in good company, of course!

The Year of the Rooster!

The Year of the Rooster!

To all our Chinese friends, we wish you a happy & prosperous Chinese New Year,  enjoy the celebrations, in good company, of course.

An Apple a Day…

An Apple a Day…

On this day, back in 1984, the genius of Jobs, & of course the wonderful Wozniak, bravely introduced the world to the Apple Macintosh, boasting a breathtaking 128k of RAM, 400k disk drive & even a 9" monochrome display... impressive stuff 33 years ago, the world would never be the same again!

Beware of the Dog…

Beware of the Dog…

We’re delighted to introduce our latest recruit, Mushka the AndCo mascot! Sooooooo unbelievably cute, Mushka’s tails’a’wagging, in good company!



From all of us, to all of you, our deepest thanks & appreciation for such a fantastic year, in good company! ...have an amazing time celebrating & we look forward see you all in 2017!

Wishing a very…

Wishing a very…

From all of us at AndCo, we hope you & yours and family & friends around the globe enjoy the festive season, in good company, of course!

The Team on Tour!

The Team on Tour!

Paris... the magnificent city of light, sure where else would we be! Massive thanks to Pierre for hosting another amazing AndCo get-together, a truly wonderful weekend, in good company, of course! 

A Nation Celebrates!

A Nation Celebrates!

A time for thanks, for family, for kindness & goodwill... to all our American friends, enjoy the celebrations (& the turkey!), in good company, of course.

One Year On…

One Year On…

Wow, how time flies & what an amazing year it’s been! We’re incredibly grateful & extremely proud of the how far we have come in such a short amount of time, we would like to thank all family, friends, colleagues & partners, everyone that has supported us on this journey, in good company, of which there is much, much more to come...

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

We love, love, love Halloween! The costumes, the candy, the friends and the frights, Boo... Aaaaahhh! & of course, orange everywhere… it’s soooo AndCo! Wherever you are, expect to be afraid, to be very, very afraid... so make sure you stay, in good company!

To Wonderful Friends…

To Wonderful Friends…

Wow, wow, wow! - what a trip, a California classic, massive thanks to all our incredible friends, for a truly wonderful time, in good company!

Celebrating Selection!

Celebrating Selection!

Hot off the press... the AndCo brand has been chosen as a seminal piece of design by the Institute of Designers in Ireland, Yay! - We’re absolutely delighted & extremely proud to be in such award winning company!

Say cheese…

Say cheese…

One of the world's most influential social networks turns six today... a very happy birthday to Instagram! Smile big... & enjoy the celebrations, in good company!

Team on Tour

Team on Tour

Together again! It feel’s like only yesterday we were in beautiful Barcelona, how time flies! Next month, we’re heading to sunny California! So if you fancy some good company, you know where we’ll be...

Never Forget…

Never Forget…

On this day, fifteen years ago, the world changed forever. Today of all days, our hearts & thoughts are with our American friends, as always, we stand with you, united.

Hanging Out…

Hanging Out…

Any excuse for a get-together... here we are chatting with a new client via Google Hangouts... Smile big folks, we’re in good company!

The Olympics Games.

The Olympics Games.

Did you know, each Olympic ring represents a different region of the world, interconnected to symbolize the friendship gained from international competitions… looks like Rio's set for some good company so!

La Fête Nationale.

La Fête Nationale.

To all our friends in France, we hope you have a wonderful time celebrating Bastille Day, in good company!



To all our American friends, we hope you have a wonderful time celebrating the 4th of July, in good company ...& to our very own Federica, have a fantastic birthday!



Adam & Eve or Adam & Steve, it doesn’t matter, only love matters. Enjoy Pride, in good company, of course!

Hey Dad…

Hey Dad…

Happy Fathers Day! Thanks for everything throughout the years, for always being there, by my side, teaching me the importance of... good company!



With bragging rights at stake, we wonder... will it be a Spanish hat-trick (probably!) or will we have a new champion...? Either way, it’s all very AndCo with all sides of Europe coming together, in good company!



As today is Amnesty International Day, we would like to thank all involved in this wonderful organization, tirelessly campaigning for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all. Bravo.



Paraskevidekatriaphobia... sure it’s all about perspective; it’s the weekend, enjoy it in good company!

The Teenage Years!

The Teenage Years!

On May 5, 2003, Reid Hoffman & Co. launched LinkedIn in his living room... thirteen years on, thanks to their innovation, the professional world remains in good company.

Back To The Bay

Back To The Bay

Is it a bird, is it a plane... no, it’s a Pierre-achute! (sorry we couldn’t help ourselves). Our Pierre is returning to California to be in good company visiting some current & new clients… safe travels Monsieur

Spes Bona!

Spes Bona!

Looking as cool as can be! Helge was back in his second home (the land of his alma mater) the beautiful Cape Town, to spend some time in good company, of course!

The Team on Tour! 

The Team on Tour! 

Wow, how time flies! Six months since our last get-together in London, we spent Thursday and Friday, in good company, with lovely Tatiana & the always beautiful Barcelona.

April Fools…?

April Fools…?

It’s hard to know what to believe on a day like today, definitely best to stay... in good company!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

We hope you had a Good Friday, a Super Saturday & that you enjoy an Amazing Sunday... in good company!

Happy Birthday Twitter!

Happy Birthday Twitter!

On this day, ten years ago, Jack Dorsey sent out the worlds first tweet... happy birthday twitter, thanks for connecting the world, in 140 characters, of good company!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Ah sure everyone's Irish on March 17th, go green & enjoy the celebrations, in good company!

Hello Albania!

Hello Albania!

Kudos to the lovely Liyen for her recent pro-bono training work with the School of Magistrates in Albania.

Leap Day, Yay!

Leap Day, Yay!

February 29th... Whatever you decide to do with your free day this February, make sure you enjoy it, in good company!

WhatsUp, WhatsApp!

WhatsUp, WhatsApp!

Wow, time flies when you’re texting... Happy 7th Birthday to WhatsApp, incorporated in California on this day 2009. Enjoy the celebrations, in good company!

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!

Be your be-you-tiful self this February, & make sure you spend the day being spoilt… in good company, of course!

Hip, hip, hooray!

Hip, hip, hooray!

Happy birthday to Facebook, twelve today… thanks for helping the world stay in good company!

Three, Two, One…

Three, Two, One…

Happy New Year! We hope that you & yours have a wonderful year, in good company, of course!

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you & yours a very Merry Christmas & all the best for the New Year, from all of us at AndCo.

Prestation de Serment

Prestation de Serment

Massive congrats to Pierre & Co. for completing the Prestation de Serment, being received as Avocat au Barreau de Paris… enjoy the celebrations, in good company!

Our Newest Recruit

Our Newest Recruit

Today we welcome the beautiful baby Elisa who recently entered the world, we wish Tatiana & Co. all the best and much love from the AndCo team.

California Dreamin’

California Dreamin’

He's all packed & giddy to get going... best of luck to the Bay Area as Pierre is en route to introduce AndCo. Safe travels Monsieur!

Thank You Dublin!

Thank You Dublin!

What can we say? Thanks for the energy, thanks for the enthusiasm, thanks for the chats, thanks to all at Web Summit!

We’re off to Web Summit

We’re off to Web Summit

We're super excited, all packed & ready to go... Web Summit awaits, Dublin, we hope you're ready for us!

& So It Begins

& So It Begins

After months of development, today, we are ecstatic to unveil our new brand to the world; the visual representation of ourselves. We are AndCo, be with us, be in good company.